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Safe. Quick. No Pain.
No Side Effects

Are you ready to toss the razors? How many times have you wished you no longer had to shave, “pluck”, or wax?

At Facial Esthetique, we use the Alma Soprano Lite™, the gold standard for laser hair removal. This state of the art laser hair removal system can effectively treat all skin tones and hair types without the pain of traditional laser technology.

The IN-Motion™ technology gradually heats the hair follicles with gentle pulses of laser energy to effectively damage the hair growth and prevent hair from growing back. The sweeping In-Motion™ technique keeps the laser in constant motion ensuring full coverage of the treatment area. The patented Dual Chill™ mechanism cools the surface of your skin for added comfort during the treatment.

Since the laser is in constant motion, your treatment is QUICK and virtually pain-free. Any part of the body can be treated safely and comfortably, including the face, neck, underarms, bikini, stomach, back and arms.

Quick & Comfortable Hair Removal

  • Virtually Pain-Free
  • Can Treat All Skin Tones & All Hair Types
  • Proven Safety Record with State of the Art Technology
  • Treats Tanned Skin
  • Super Quick Treatments
  • No Down Time
  • Perfect for Any Area of the Body-Sensitive & Hard to Reach

Additional FAQs

Eventually, some of the hair will grow back depending on the area, the number of treatments performed, genetics/hormonal imbalance, sex, and age of the client.  This is not permanent hair removal.  It is permanent hair reduction. You should think of using a laser as a hair management treatment.

Every hair on a person’s body goes through three basic stages:  growth, rest, and hair loss.  These phases repeatedly cycle, and the length of each cycle varies according to the location and your genetics. The laser is only effective on the follicle when in the growth phase.  At any given time, only about a third of a person’s hair is in the growth phase, so multiple treatments are needed to obtain maximum results.  We advise 6-8 treatments.

Laser hair removal uses a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin where it is absorbed by the hair follicle.  The laser energy is then transformed into heat which disables the follicle so hair doesn’t grow back.

Your skin may appear a little pink for a brief period after the treatment, especially in sensitive areas of treatment, i.e. face, bikini.  You may experience minimal itching.  You can return to normal activities immediately after treatment.  We always advise using an SPF 30 or higher to avoid hyperpigmentation.

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The Alma Soprano Lite™ is the ideal laser hair removal system. Feel the difference with virtually pain-free and quick treatments! For ALL skin tones and even tanned skin.

Call Colonnade Medical Center Phone Number 239-333-3223 (FACE) for your Complimentary Consultation!

Experience the Facial Esthetique Difference