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Rejuvenating & Exfoliating Treatments

Treat yourself to a facial and reveal a new you. Facial Esthetique offers a variety of therapeutic, rejuvenating facials that include a detailed skin analysis prior to treatment. Scheduling a complimentary consultation prior to your treatment will determine the best plan for your desired skincare needs and concerns.

All facials include deep cleansing, and exfoliation and can be tailored for your specific conditions such as acne, rosacea, dull skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. We use only the finest, cosmeceutical-grade products with our facials from G.M.Collins® and ZO Skin Health.

woman receiving a facial


Cleanses and exfoliates using antioxidant serums to soothe and protect your face.  Leaves skin with a glow after just one treatment.

Perfect choice to reverse visible signs of aging and sun damage to noticeably improve skin’s elasticity while energizing and brightening the skin.

Exclusive and highly acclaimed treatment dramatically reduces fine lines and wrinkles to visibly restore your skin to a youthful glow.

Anti-aging treatment restores and firms the skin with double exfoliation and intense hydration for an age-defying radiant result.

A deep cleanse clears congested pores and improves the appearance of oily or acne-prone skin while a calming face mask reduces inflammation leaving skin clean and refreshed.

Deep exfoliation combines lactic and glycolic acids with rejuvenating peptides to reveal healthier, vibrant, and even-toned skin.

Decrease skin redness by allowing light energy to target these pigmented, dark lesions below the skin’s surface. The light energy heats up these tiny blood vessels on your face causing them to fragment, close, and dissolve. Obtain the best results with a series of 6 treatments every 2-6 weeks.

Decreases skin redness by helping to remove the top layer of sun-damaged tissue and boost the skin’s regenerative processes. The result reveals newer, healthier, and more even-toned skin. Learn more about IPL.

Add-On Services

HydraFacial® Lip Perk

Exfoliates, hydrates, and plumps to ensure you love your lips.

HydraFacial® Eye Perk

Hydrates, brightens, and awakens delicate, tired eyes by reenergizing.


Gently exfoliates dead skin cells and removes fine vellus facial hair, otherwise known as peach fuzz, to restore skin tone for a smoother, even complexion. Learn more about the benefits of dermaplaning.

Experience the Facial Esthetique Difference