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Renew. Restore. Revive.
Reveal a New You!

Taking Anti-Aging to New Depths With Secret™ PRO by Cutera. The future of anti-aging is here!

Secret Pro offers clinically proven aesthetic procedures that uniquely combine two proven technologies – Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing with RF microneedling to safely and effectively treat all layers of the skin.

Peel back years of aging and sun damage to uncover youthful more radiant-looking skin. Refine and renew your overall skin quality from the inside out. The combination of RF microneedling with fractional CO2 laser resurfacing smooths and brightens skin tone and texture while promoting new collagen production. The procedure can be customized based on your needs, whether you are looking for a “pick-me-up” to keep your skin looking young or for a more corrective treatment to reverse the signs of aging and sun damage.

Cutera Secret Pro Treats:

  • Fine lines, wrinkles, facial scars
  • Sun damage
  • Stretch marks and body scars
  • Acne pitting/scarring

What Are the Benefits:

  • Treatment is customized for your individual needs and concerns
  • Excellent treatment for all skin tones
  • Safe and effective treatment with intense skin renewal
  • Ideal for reversing the signs of aging with one single treatment

What Are Expected Results:

Maximum results are typically visible 8-12 weeks following the procedure with progressive improvement noted beyond that with the use of a medical-grade skincare routine recommended by our medical aesthetician. Your fine lines/wrinkles will be softer, with significant correction in pigmentation irregularities, more even skin tone, smoother skin texture, and pores are more refined.

For deeper wrinkles or scars, multiple treatments may be needed depending on the skin condition, need, and goal. Treatment sessions needed are determined by your provider.

someone getting laser treatment

Laser Treatments

Reduces the appearance of deep wrinkles and acne scars, and stimulates new collagen growth for a younger, smoother appearance. This treatment uses fractional technology to create precise microscopic perforations into the skin that induces tightening and improves skin texture and tone.

Ideal for a full facial rejuvenation or treatment on a specific area. PRO TIP: Combine with micro-needling for deep, dermal collagen remodel. Please note this treatment requires a complimentary consultation with Dr. Eric Reed.

staff member scrubbing to client
staff member scrubbing to client

Using the most complete and effective laser hair removal solution for all skin tones and hair types, we can perform year-round, including on tan skin. The Alma® Soprano Ice Laser’s in-motion technique allows treatment to be quick while delivering a massaging, cool sensation, making it ideal for areas such as the legs or back. Learn more about Laser Hair Removal.

Sciton Moxi

  • Pigmentation irregularities, including melasma
  • Sun Damage
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Texture Signs of Aging

Moxi can treat all skin types on the face and body including:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Hands
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Fast and easy
  • Low-to-no downtime
  • Comfortable treatments may require topical anesthetic cream
  • SIMPLE post care, stay out of the sun
  • 24 HOURS post-treatment makeup can be applied
  • Improvement in skin tone
  • Smoother texture
  • Corrects pigmentation irregularities, sun damage
  • Safely treats melasma
  • A radiant GLOW

Lighten, Brighten & Refresh Your Skin. A Gentle Approach to a Radiant Glow. 100% Satisfaction Rating on

Sciton MOXI™ is the latest innovative technology to refresh your skin’s appearance by correcting uneven pigmentation and improving tone and texture. Moxi comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to revitalize your skin by correcting the initial signs of sun damage and aging, no matter the season or your skin type. You’ll love the fact that this “lunchtime” procedure can fit into your active lifestyle any time of year. Most patients find the treatment comfortable. A topical numbing cream is applied 15-30 minutes prior to the procedure. Because this is a non-ablative fractionated treatment, the post-care regimen is simple. Wear a physical mineral sunblock of SPF 50 and avoid long-term sun exposure for 14 days. You may wear makeup 24 hours after your treatment.

Most patients receive 3-4 corrective treatments, then often will sign up for regular maintenance treatments throughout the year. Results will vary depending on your treatment goals and the plan you set forth with our aesthetician. Immediately following the treatment, your skin may appear red, like a sunburn. This slowly subsides within a few hours. Your skin will feel like sandpaper, you may see micro dots. These microdots will slough off and reveal new fresh skin.

Sciton BBL Hero + Moxi – The “Powerhouse” Duo Treatment for Dramatic Results

Combine. Conquer. Correct.

What Is Sciton BBL and MOXI Laser Skin Rejuvenation?

This award-winning combination treatment therapy combines two of our favorite modalities. MOXI + BBL Hero is the powerhouse duo of treatment technologies from Sciton – one of its newest and greatest innovations. The two advanced skin revitalization treatments pair perfectly for dramatic results with little to no downtime.

MOXI is a non-ablative fractional laser treatment that works to revitalize the skin, while BBL Hero is a powerful broadband light (BBL) treatment that has been quoted as being the most significant advancement in this type of technology in 20 years!

BBL is generally more focused on skin tone and imperfections. It is more effective at turning back the clock on visible signs of aging, whereas MOXI is more focused on the skin texture, and is a great option for longer-term maintenance and “prejuvenation”, a.k.a. keeping your skin looking its best.

BBL Hero can be used on every skin type, and all parts of the body – including the face, neck, chest, arms, legs, back, buttocks, and abdomen.

While the technology behind each laser is very different, they both use wavelengths of light energy that penetrate deep under the skin – without removing or damaging any of the top layers – and generate heat. This heat stimulates cell regeneration and the production of collagen and elastin, which are well-known as the body’s natural answer to firm, plump, young, healthy-looking skin.

The main differences between the two treatments are that MOXI works deeper in the skin than the BBL (broadband light), and BBL uses a broad spectrum of light that can be filtered in several different ways to treat specific conditions – pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, broken capillaries, rosacea.

BBL Hero can improve the appearance of the following skin conditions:

  • Sun damage
  • Freckles and age spots
  • Broken capillaries
  • Rosacea/Redness
  • Active acne

  • Non-invasive 
  • Quick procedure
  • No downtime
  • Long-lasting and natural-looking results
  • Faster and more effective than other lasers
  • Comfortable, low-pain treatment
  • Can be used across the entire body
  • Stimulates new collagen production 
  • Naturally tightens the skin 
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Younger looking, firmer, brighter, smoother skin
  • Improves signs of aging
  • Improves skin tone, texture, and minor skin laxity
  • Improves redness from rosacea
  • Corrects pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, melasma
  • Repairs broken capillaries, small facial veins, and blood vessels


*Following a BBL Hero/ MOXI laser treatment, you might experience a little redness and swelling for a few days, but this is usually minimal and can be covered with make-up after 24 hours. Results are normally visible within 7-14 days and will last indefinitely with regular maintenance treatments. The number of treatments recommended will depend on your specific needs, but you can expect to achieve your desired results within about 3–4 MOXI treatments and 1–2 BBL.

The New & Improved Version of Intense Pulse Light (IPL)

The Gold Standard of All IPL Devices

What Is Sciton BBL Hero?

At Facial Esthetique, we are pleased to offer BBL HERO, the latest advancement in world-renowned BBL therapy from Sciton.

Sciton is the industry leader worldwide in aesthetic laser and light therapy. You can achieve beautiful skin from head to toe! BBL HERO with High Energy Rapid Output is currently the most powerful IPL device on the market with 4 times the speed, 3 times the peak power, and twice the cooling as the traditional BBL models. BBL HERO treatments are the fastest way to get rid of the visible signs of aging on your face and body: neck, chest, shoulders, arms, legs and more.

This is a comfortable low-to-no downtime “lunchtime” procedure that can target and correct red and brown pigmentary problems. BBL HERO quickly delivers pulses of light and heat energy to deeply penetrate the dermis to stimulate new collagen growth and promote the shedding of damaged skin cells. The high intensity light selectively targets sun damage, age spots, and broken capillaries, vascular lesions, and rosacea to restore your skin’s youthful appearance.

Initially, sun spots and targeted pigmented areas will become dark following the treatment. Then, over time, your body’s natural healing process will remove the pigmented cells and replace them with new cells. Your brown spots and vascular lesions will be replaced by fresh, new skin. Depending on the correction needed to achieve optimal results, a series of 3-6 treatments may be recommended.

Refresh, Revitalize, and Renew Your Skin From Head to Toe!

The skin on our bodies can be a tell-tale sign of age and how well we care for our skin. Now we can achieve head-to-toe youthful glow while saying goodbye to sun damage, age spots, and dull crepey skin. The BBL Hero quickly performs full body treatments on large areas such as the back, legs, and arms in as little as 15 minutes!

Show your body some love with head-to-toe skin revitalization.


  • Benign pigmented lesions
  • Age/sun spots
  • Vascular lesions
  • Rosacea
  • Cherry angiomas
  • Telangiectasias (broken capillaries
  • Poikiloderma

Most patients see improvements in their skin within one to two weeks after treatment.  The skin looks smoother, and fine lines and wrinkles are softer.  After 2 weeks, brown and red spots become less noticeable with significant improvement in skin tone and texture.

Results can be seen after one treatment.  However, to reverse sun damage and calm rosacea, most patients need a series of 3-6 treatment sessions, 2-4 weeks apart.   And, after the initial treatment series, it is advised to have at least 2 treatments per year to maintain and improve results.

Add-On Services

Secret™ RF Micro-Needling

Stimulates collagen, tightens skin, and targets deep to remodel your skin from the inside out with little to no downtime. Customize to target fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, photo-aging, or stretch marks on the face, neck, décolleté, hands, stomach, arms, or knees.

Micro-Needling With Custom Serums

Create a customized blend of serums such as peptides, growth factors, and hyaluronic acid that reduces fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, large pores, and the appearance of surgical scars and acne. Obtain the best results with a series of 3-6 treatments.

Experience the Facial Esthetique Difference